“Sold Out was helpful because it taught me some ways on how to cope with COVID-19 and other helpful life tips.”
“Not only do I pledge to be alcohol and drug abstinent as a teenager but also when I am an adult. Alcohol and drugs have been in my family for far too long….
“Both the Sold Out website and the fentanyl video were very informative. Perquimans is committed to implementing this program. We appreciate this opportunity to educate both our students and adults about the dangers of drugs and fentanyl.”
“I took the Sold Out Pledge …… I have now realized the dangers of Fentanyl.”
“I recommend “Sold Out Alcohol Abstinence Program” directed by Mr. Roman Gabriel. I have had an almost 50-year career in the Foreign Service, FBI, and U.S. Military, and have seen first hand how devastating alcohol and drug problems can be to our most vulnerable youth. Through the years, this program has proven to be successful in helping young people navigate their very difficult teen years.”
“Thank you for coming to Manteo Middle School to speak with our 6th graders. Your message is powerful and every kid needs to hear it. Your (new) website provides very good tools for our students and staff. Our PE teachers are excited about utilizing this in their classrooms, particularly the goal setting platform.”
“The Executive Next Practices Institute, our enterprise level leaders, and community principals are excited to support the Sold Out Youth Foundation (Roman Gabriel III ) through our Strategic Communications Summits. We see the Sold Out Youth Foundation programs as a natural way to involve students early in the right kind of initiatives for better long-term career success.”
“Sold Out is a fantastic program, the student video presentation is absolutely engaging. It encourages students to pursue their dreams and goals, while abstaining from drugs and alcohol ! The fentanyl problem is killing people every single day. The Sold Out curriculum on Fentanyl is very strong and on point.”
“At the Neighborhood, we are proud to be working with the Sold Out Youth Foundation (SOYF), and their CEO Roman Gabriel III to fight the deadly impacts of drugs (Fentanyl), and alcohol, greatly impacting the youth of our nation! Next Talent League Esports and our collegiate esports partners are proud to be offering esports and gaming activities alongside the SOYF.”
“Sadly, overdoses are a reality on school campuses throughout Arizona. Schools must prepare for potential drug overdoses and poisonings by educating faculty, parents, and students on prevention and response. This is a tragedy beyond words, it shows no sign of abating and schools are a vital resource to educate children on these dangers.” The Sold Out Youth Foundation has excellent resources to address this ongoing crisis.”
“Sold Out is a fantastic program, the student video presentation is absolutely engaging. It encourages students
to pursue their dreams and goals, while abstaining from drugs and alcohol ! The fentanyl problem is killing people
every single day. The Sold Out curriculum on Fentanyl is very strong and on point.”
“Every year a lot of people are dieing because of fentanyl. So Sold Out should continue doing this program.”
“I would like to take this time to express our sincere satisfaction with the Sold Out Online Comprehensive Program provides for Elizabeth City Pasquotank Public Schools.The “Sold Out” program plays a key role in educating our students, parents, and staff in the dangers of alcohol and drugs (Fentanyl).”
“This is real and important. My cousin died from fentanyl laced drugs earlier this year. My aunt will never be the same, and all of his loved ones will never get to see him grow old. It’s terrible to think that one bad choice can end your life. I pledge to be alcohol and drug abstinent.”
“It has been truly a pleasure to work with Roman Gabriel III’s “Sold Out Youth Foundation” the last 3 years. This organization has attacked the biggest killer of the young people in this country – Fentanyl! Sold Out is educating, not just students, but parents and educators as well. This program works! While a lot of programs go after the supply, Sold Out will eliminate the demand and save our children. We need you all to get involved – join in the fight NOW!”
“Supporting our communities is a core value at Bell Bank, and we are proud to team up with Sold Out Youth Foundation and its mission to keep our communities healthy and safe. At our heart, Bell Bank exists to help other people. We look forward to sponsoring this important cause and connecting Phoenix community leaders.
“I never realized how dangerous drugs could be until Sold Out told us about Fentanyl. I now know that drugs can be a dangerous thing and you shouldn’t trust people telling you to take a random drug that they claim is something helpful because it may as well be Fentanyl.”
“Trillium Health Resources is supportive of the Sold Out Youth Foundation with it’s various programs they support in Eastern North Carolina.
It’s very helpful to have access to this information to make sure our public system is aware of the substance use issues. Trillium truly appreciates our ongoing collaboration with Sold Out and Trillium as we work together to meet the needs of the citizens of Eastern NC.”
“The Dare County Health and Human Services has implemented a Fentanyl Kills Campaign ….. partnering with the Sold Out Youth Foundation and pleased to work collaboratively with them on multiple initiatives…Messaging on billboards, posters, radio and internet PSA’s. We are appreciative of Mr Gabriel and the SOYF’s contributions in Dare County North Carolina.”
“Thank you so much for putting together all of the information to help us disseminate vital information to our students….
Your program gives us confidence in a comprehensive (Fentanyl) approach.”
“I have spent a good bit of time on the Sold Out site and your mission is incredible. I am so excited about the possibilities and the benefits for our students! We would LOVE to partner with you in every way possible! We are in the final stages of rolling out our Samueli Wellness Model …. there is so much synergy here!
“I just want to start off by saying thank you for making our district and our city aware of the Sold Out Online Program (Fentanyl Education) that you have developed and continue to update. It was a quick turnaround for those of us here in the trenches, but I am really excited about what we were able to deliver to our students, parents and the staff members that saw the online presentation and videos.”
“My dad had two core values, to treasure relationships, and to make a positive meaningful difference in the world, that’s what were here for…..
Thats what I admire about Roman (Sold Out Youth Foundation). Your out there making a difference , and being a positive force for good.”
“Thank you so much for coming out today and sharing the Sold Out Program with our students. We really appreciate it, looking forward to using the curriculum and resources with our students and staff.”
“I commend you (Sold Out) for stepping up and taking the Fentanyl issue head on, we need more people like you. This needs to be addressed with our schools, students, families, and businesses. It’s critical.”
“I took the Sold Out Pledge …… I have now realized the dangers of Fentanyl.”
“Both the Sold Out website and the fentanyl video were very informative. Perquimans is committed to implementing this program. We appreciate this opportunity to educate both our students and adults about the dangers of drugs and fentanyl.”
“On behalf of MCCS Camp Lejeune-New River please allow me to express our gratitude and appreciation for Sold Out again participating in sharing your inspiring message to the on base schools students, Marines and Sailors at this years Red Ribbon Week.”
“I think this is a great program to wake kids up from their everyday and for them to start thinking towards a better future for myself and the people around me. Alcohol and Drugs are not a good way to get our futures on the right path and by me taking this pledge its a great first step forward on the path to success.”
“I want to thank you and the Sold Out Program for coming to Estancia High School to speak to our football team, our players were really excited!”
“I took the Sold out Pledge, I liked that it teaches us to pursue our passions instead of drugs and/or alcohol.”
“Any opportunity I can get to help families and tell my story to prevent other parents from having to endure this profound pain that my family has gone through. I am so grateful to partner with Roman Gabriel and Sold Out Youth Foundation as they continue to fight this ever growing crisis and drug epidemic that is plaguing our youth.”
“As someone who has a brother that struggles with drug abuse it’s very important to me to help people not do drugs because it’s scary having a brother that struggles with addiction, you just never know what’s gonna happen.”
“Thank you for the work that you and your team accomplish in educating our young people about the dangers of drug abuse. Keep up the good fight!”
No one ever accomplishes something great alone, and what impresses me the most about Roman Gabriel and the Sold Out Youth Foundation is the ability to bring partners together to accomplish the vital mission of educating youth and parents about the dangers of drugs and addiction. As the saying goes “it takes a village,” and you are fantastic team builders.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Gabriel prior to his Sold Out Alcohol Abstinence presentation for First Flight Middle School, where my daughter is a student. We watched the online program together, and discussed the content, she took the pledge immediately after finishing ! I experienced a real time application of this pledge! About a week later we were on vacation with another family who has decided their daughter may have a drink “here and there. It was not even a temptation for my daughter, having had the opportunity to sign the pledge offered by Sold Out! Such a great unfolding of timely life moments which made for a proud mom and an equally proud student! I highly recommend the Sold Out Program as a regular, integrated part for Dare County Students learning and growing!
I think that this is a great program to keep kids and adults on track. I think it’s a great way to set goals and keep a good mindset. I know from experience how big of an affect it can have on other people. I will definitely do this so I can have a successful future like I plan…
I support Roman Gabriel “Sold Out Alcohol Abstinence” Program. Roman has visited all of our Middle and High Schools for seven (7) years, he does a wonderful job. The principals share that they appreciate the fact that Mr. Gabriel requires little assistance in preparation and presentation of his program. The teachers and school counselors like the program materials and online resources that they can use throughout the year. They also feel that it is one of the few programs that is all inclusive so that all students can relate to it.
Mr. Gabriel has a website, www.soldouttv.com, which serves as a follow up to his presentations. This website contains information, videos, and discussion opportunities that students can access at any time. We have received numerous feedback from our students that the presentation(s) and the website has enabled them to formulate plans for their academic and social careers. Sold Out is truly a comprehensive program that serves as an invaluable resource as we work together to educate our children.
It was awesome to have Roman Gabriel here speaking truth in the lives of our students. To encourage them to be Sold Out in the pursuit of being the best they can be as a athlete, and a student.
Thank you so much for coming to my school. I have learned from experience that I don’t need alcohol to make myself feel better when I’m down. I have learned that to talk to someone is better than having a drink. I love my family and life to much to give it up for one cool night.
This program is really important for freshmen to hear, because it teaches students about the dangers that they could be exposed to across the board. Students don’t understand the risk of what they consider fun and entertainment. And when your 14 and 15 years old you’re going to come in contact with alcohol, and drugs. Sold Out teaches them the dangers of their consequences and actions, and the benefits of making right choices.
I would highly recommend the Sold Out program for all sixth grade middle school students. With 30% of sixth graders across the country who will try drugs or alcohol before the end of this year. 9th grade is a critical point in their life, because it is when they start to make decisions that could change their life. I really appreciate Mr. Gabriel coming here sharing his heart, his passion in showing students examples of individuals who have struggled in life but made decisions to be Sold Out.
Roman continues to bring a positive message to our students. I believe his message of setting worthwhile goals, and making positive choices is necessary and valuable to Wayne County Students.
Your redesigned website www.soldouttv.com looks great ! Sold Out… is essential to equip our students with the intellectual and moral tools that will help them make well-informed, and healthy decisions.
I did this pledge because I have been going through a lot and suffering in silence for so long. The only way anybody found out is because my class was doing a writing assignment and we had to write how we felt. I just poured it all out on that piece of paper. This program is what I needed so thank you.
Not only do I pledge to be alcohol and drug abstinent as a teenager but also when I am an adult. Alcohol and drugs have been in my family for far too long….
I thought Sold Out was helpful because it taught me some ways on how to cope with COVID-19 and other helpful life tips.
We are SO excited to work with Roman Gabriel and Sold Out. I have talked to other counties and they seem to love this program. The follow up is the best part. Kids can continue to have access to resources 24/7 with the website. I also like that the online pledge is more of a “personal commitment” and allows for follow up with the student to encourage and support them along the way. So many programs have an assembly, get kids to pledge and then it’s over and forgotten. This is different.
I believe Sold Out has a great organization and a tremendous opportunity to change the lives of our next generation of youth.
Fantastic presentation. I know Sold Out made a difference in our students lives. Thank you for your passion and dedication. I wish you continued success with your program.